Angewandte Wirtschaftspsychologie (B.Sc.)
Sticky Elements Page
T3 Karma is the new generation of TYPO3 templates. We provide: pre-configured elements, customizability, easy to use solutions, great performance, and professional code. With elements inside the template is perfect for every niche: designers, photographers, running corporate, business etc.
It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap. T3 Karma has a widget-rich boxed layout, footer section, one column, transparent header overlay and default breadcrumb that will amaze everyone who visits your web space. Minimalistic and clean templates are amongst the favorites. They provide an easy way to leave focus strictly on the content that’s being published, and Stuff takes care of this task very beautifully.
It’s a great fit for business, personal and other creative projects that want to focus solely on the said words, rather than the five million widgets popping up all over the place. The template comes pre-built with a blog homepage, a page for talking about yourself, a sample content post, as well as a page for establishing a contact me feature. It’s fully responsive which means all devices will love to work with this template.
And the modern design with overall pleasant browsing experience. It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap.
It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap. T3 Karma has a widget-rich boxed layout, footer section, one column, transparent header overlay and default breadcrumb that will amaze everyone who visits your web space. Minimalistic and clean templates are amongst the favorites. They provide an easy way to leave focus strictly on the content that’s being published, and Stuff takes care of this task very beautifully.
It’s a great fit for business, personal and other creative projects that want to focus solely on the said words, rather than the five million widgets popping up all over the place. The template comes pre-built with a blog homepage, a page for talking about yourself, a sample content post, as well as a page for establishing a contact me feature. It’s fully responsive which means all devices will love to work with this template.
And the modern design with overall pleasant browsing experience. It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap.
It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap. T3 Karma has a widget-rich boxed layout, footer section, one column, transparent header overlay and default breadcrumb that will amaze everyone who visits your web space. Minimalistic and clean templates are amongst the favorites. They provide an easy way to leave focus strictly on the content that’s being published, and Stuff takes care of this task very beautifully.
It’s a great fit for business, personal and other creative projects that want to focus solely on the said words, rather than the five million widgets popping up all over the place. The template comes pre-built with a blog homepage, a page for talking about yourself, a sample content post, as well as a page for establishing a contact me feature. It’s fully responsive which means all devices will love to work with this template.
And the modern design with overall pleasant browsing experience. It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap.
It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap. T3 Karma has a widget-rich boxed layout, footer section, one column, transparent header overlay and default breadcrumb that will amaze everyone who visits your web space. Minimalistic and clean templates are amongst the favorites. They provide an easy way to leave focus strictly on the content that’s being published, and Stuff takes care of this task very beautifully.
It’s a great fit for business, personal and other creative projects that want to focus solely on the said words, rather than the five million widgets popping up all over the place. The template comes pre-built with a blog homepage, a page for talking about yourself, a sample content post, as well as a page for establishing a contact me feature. It’s fully responsive which means all devices will love to work with this template.
And the modern design with overall pleasant browsing experience. It is a minimal looking site skin which you can use for both blogs and online magazines. Moreover, it could be fashion, travel, lifestyle, food or a mixture of everything, T3 Karma can handle it all with ease. With the integrated mega menu, you can create a solid site navigation that will take your audience to their desired content in a snap.
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In den ersten Semestern lernen Sie solide Grundlagen in allgemeiner Betriebswirtschaftslehre – darunter Finanzwirtschaft, Statistik, Mathematik oder auch Wirtschaftsprivatrecht. Nachdem Sie einführende Veranstaltungen besucht haben, entscheiden Sie sich im dritten Semester für eine Vertiefung Ihrer Wahl. Sie können wählen zwischen
- Marketing & Vertrieb
- Servicemanagement
- Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
- Supply Chain & Operations Management
- Data Analytics
Eine Besonderheit des BWL-Studiums an der FH Wedel sind vereinzelte informationstechnische Module, mit denen Sie für die digitalen Herausforderungen der Zukunft gewappnet sind. Module in Business English und Soft Skills vervollständigen Ihren Stundenplan. Sie lernen beispielsweise Präsentationstechniken, stärken Ihre Kommunikationsfähigkeiten und besuchen Kurse zur Persönlichkeitsbildung.
Das fünfte Semester verbringen Sie während eines integrierten Auslandssemesters an einer unserer Partnerhochschulen. Europa, USA, China, Chile, Südafrika – Sie entscheiden, welches Land und welche Hochschule Sie am meisten reizt. Ein besonderes Highlight ist im sechsten Semester das BWL-Projekt: In einem studentischen Team übernehmen Sie ein reales Unternehmensprojekt und nehmen die Rolle eine professionellen Beraters ein. Im siebten Semester erweitern Sie Ihre Praxiserfahrung noch einmal während Ihres Praktikums in einem Unternehmen. Die meisten Studierenden verfassen dort auch ihre Bachelor-Arbeit. Nach Ihrem erfolgreichen Studium verleiht Ihnen die FH Wedel den akademischen Grad Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.).
Gut ausgebildet und mit Praxis- und Auslandserfahrung ausgerüstet steht Ihrer Karriere nichts mehr im Weg.